…..But if any one loves God, this one is known by Him; (1 Cor 8:3), it then means that the criteria in our qualification to be known by God is LOVE. The place of love in Christendom cannot be denied
The word Christian is coined out of the bid to name people that are Christ like, to be Christ like is to have the nature of God.
The Bible clearly states that “GOD IS LOVE” therefore to successfully have the nature of God or to identify with Him you have to manifest in the gift of love. Paul the greatest Apostle, after analyzing Spiritual
gifts in the book of 1 Cor 12; he ended it by saying, “but earnestly desire the best gifts and yet I show you a more excellent way” the excellent way Paul had to show, he analyzed in chapter 13. All the analysis of Paul ended by saying that the greatest gift in Christendom is LOVE.
The Church today needs to heed the advise of Paul in 1 Cor 14:1 “Pursue Love……….
If Love can be manifested in the body of Christ, the magnitude of exploit will be speechless for every distinguished achievement is founded on the platform of love; No wonder why God reconciled man to Himself via this weapon John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave………..
Solomon till now, remains the wisest and richest man that ever
lived. He achieved this status via the altar of love 1 Kings 3:3a And Solomon loved the Lord. …. ‘ This attitude he learnt from his father David who because of his love for God was known as the man after Gods own heart.
Loving God is the Secret of having your heart desires because you can only seek what you love; and whenever you seek God’s kingdom, everything is added to you! Beloved where is your Heart? Loving God selflessly is something every bonafide child of God has to be determined to do if he must achieve greatness. Friends, the conclusion of the matter is …….. Eyes have not
seen, nor Ear heard , nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Cor 2 : 9.