Dare to do It (June 2011)



The place of disobedience to God’s instructions; is the place of doom and struggles. When Saul disobeyed; the glory of his throne left and he began to struggle to retain his position as King. Abraham took lot along, instead of leaving alone and almost lost focus, until he separated himself from him; Samson was stripped of dignity when he disclosed his secret instruction; Moses missed the promised land because he couldn’t carry out divine instruction effectively; to mention just a few.

Obedience to divine instructions cannot be over emphasized because it is the obedience to it that makes or births the greatness in man (Prov. 3:1 & 2).

“My son, forget not my law but let thine heart keep my commandments for length of days and long life and peace, shall they add to thee!”

Instruction discovered in scriptures and adhered to; brings automatic enlargements in man’s endeavours. Friends dare to obey divine instructions sheepishly; and see the glory come down in your affairs. The word says that tithing is the secret to continuous open heavens, (Mal. 3:8-12). One thing is that most of us find it difficult to understand that the scriptures cannot be broken! It is the will and word of God Himself.

Some struggles in the life of man is caused by them trying to prove that they know more than God. Abraham our covenant father was a tither; (Gen. 14:20) he believed God so much so that he refused the help of man (Gen. 14:22-23) and it was accounted to him for righteousness (Gen. 15:6). Friends what is the extent of your belief in the ability of God to deliver your desired goals? Dare to believe Him, for it is your belief in Him that will drive your obedience to whatever He says even if it does not make sense to you.

The Bible tells us that Abraham at the end of the day lived a fulfilled, wealthy life his days. Jacob when his life was about falling apart entered into the tithing covenant (Gen. 28:20-end) and this covenant recovered dignity for him so much so that he turned into an institution “Israel”. Even if you’ve never been able to discover any scriptural instruction; as you are reading this, I want you to know that it entered your hand because God wants to revolutionalize your life through obedience to divine instructions. As you enter into the tithing covenant; I prophesy to you that in the next 12 months, you will become a wonder to your environment in Jesus name. Amen.