Since the vigil began; I really have not been able to connect when it’s On going live; but I’ll always go searching for it during my breaktime at work and I never missed sending my offerings every Friday. I would always say to the offering before transfer; go and bring my child; the visioner says we shall carry ours even before the end of the month. When my period was to come I started send daily offering instead of every Friday and I’ll always ask that my offering would go and bring my child. Children of God; Just this morning, I did the test.. .. I am still in shock….for the past 4yrs it has never shown positive…… ‘where do I start from to praise this GOD? Please if you are in the house, Today help me thank this impossibility specialist like MAMA will always call HIM! Mama please permit them to share my testimony so that the HOUSE will not just thank God for me but also pray for me to carry to term in JESUS NAME