The story last weekend was swimming in illumination on THE GLORY OF THE LATER HOUSE….. @ Bethel Ministries God bless you #PastorChyNnaji for putting together the Transfigurational Experience!God bless our Papa for his sacrifices and great insight on THE GLORY #ApostleGeneral#AnselmMadubuko When praying for the meeting, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that there are PROPELLERS OF GLORY AND STOPPERS OF GLORY…. Sweet Holy Spirit also have me utterance to share this revelation but…My conclusion on the matter is this, the worst thing that can ever happen to a man is losing THE GLORY… yes! 1 Samuel 5:1After the Philistines had captured the ark of God, they took it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. Then they carried the ark into Dagon’s temple and set it beside Dagon. When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD!…. I pray for you; your glory will never be stolen in JESUS name.#ApostleUloma