

The place of the altar – Part 2(August 2011)

ALL LOST TREASURES ARE RECOVERED In the last edition, we started looking at altars and it’s effect in the lives of men. It is to be noted that when altars are raised; they touch generations. If serviced, they procure the destiny of our progeny. By establishing altars to the Lord; we can set the course […]


The place of the altar – Part 1 (July 2011)

ALL LOST TREASURES ARE RECOVERED The place of the altar is a vast study that needs serious understanding for people to be able to appreciate it’s importance. Firstly, I will want to define what an altar means. An altar can simply be defined as a structure upon which a religious sacrifice is offered infact it’s […]


Dare to do It (June 2011)

DISOBEDIENCE ARRESTS REVOLUTIONAL ENLARGEMENTS The place of disobedience to God’s instructions; is the place of doom and struggles. When Saul disobeyed; the glory of his throne left and he began to struggle to retain his position as King. Abraham took lot along, instead of leaving alone and almost lost focus, until he separated himself from […]


Change from within (May 2011)

FORGIVENESS REMOVES OBSTACLES MAINTAINED The Journey to distinguished heights starts from an individuals ability to overcome self. Self is one of the greatest battles we will need to fight as Christians, for it is the self in man that fights the move of God in man. Rom 8:13 “For if ye live after the flesh, […]


What is your motive (April 2011)

MISSION ORBIT TARGET INTENTIONS VENTS ENLARGEMENTS OR EMPTINESS Most times, people’s motive of going to church is because of what they can get from God and not what they can give God or the act of knowing him better, not realizing that the secret to Great Success is seeking to know God without attaching personal […]